Dr. Taras Chubenko, a lifelong spiritual seeker and a retired Orthodox priest, invites readers on a truly transformative journey of self-discovery in his book “Connecting to God, A Journey Over 50 Years.” Drawing from over five decades of diverse experiences, Dr. Chubenko offers insightful guidance on spirituality and personal growth, encouraging individuals to deepen their connection with the divine. He continues the process in his book "Searching For Spirituality" by amplifying the understanding of Love and concludes in his latest book "Secrets That Aren't." Every day a new beginning and a never-ending joy.

Books Overview

Connecting to God

"Connecting to God" explores the deeply personal and transformative journey of establishing a spiritual connection with the divine. It emphasizes that while this connection can seem challenging, it is inherently within each individual, waiting to be discovered through dedication, perseverance, and an open mind.
The book highlights the importance of recognizing the balance between the extremes in our lives, the yin and yang, and understanding that true harmony and peace lie in finding this equilibrium. Various spiritual practices such as meditation, soul searching, prayer, and journaling are presented as tools to facilitate this connection. The journey requires a thorough self-evaluation and an honest understanding of who we truly are, echoing the inquiries of spiritual masters and psychologists alike.

Searching for Spirituality

"Searching for Spirituality" delves into the timeless quest for understanding a higher power that governs the universe, exploring how various civilizations and intellectual traditions have conceived of the divine. The book examines historical and cultural perspectives on God, focusing on the Western intellectual tradition where concepts of the divine range from Aristotle's distant, perfect artisan to pantheistic views seeing the divine in everything. The book aspires to guide readers on a journey of discovery and enlightenment, presenting each solved mystery as part of a grander design. It aims to reveal the door to greater spiritual paths and life's hidden secrets, offering glimpses of a universe that connects us to the divine. The ultimate goal is to inspire readers to continue seeking and understanding the profound connections that bind us to the higher power and each other.

Secrets That Aren't

"Secrets That Aren't" by Taras Chubenko argues that true happiness and fulfillment lie not in chasing after hidden secrets, but in rediscovering the simple truths obscured by daily routines. The book explores various fundamental human experiences like love, fear, and spirituality, revealing how these seemingly complex concepts can be understood through clear principles. Chubenko offers practical guidance on navigating life's challenges with purpose and finding joy in the journey of self-discovery

Fading Memories

"Fading Memories: A Journey Through Alzheimer's" is a personal account of the author's wife MaryAnn's struggle with Alzheimer's disease. The book sheds light on the emotional toll the disease takes on both the patient and the caregiver, while also highlighting the love and perseverance that can emerge in the face of such hardship. The author details MaryAnn's progression through the disease, from the initial signs to the later challenges. He also portrays the internal struggles of a caregiver, grappling with frustration and despair alongside unwavering love. Ultimately, the book offers a message of hope and finding strength in shared humanity during a difficult journey.

Evil Ordained

Evil Ordained is a novel about Timmy, a young man haunted by a dark secret from his past. The story opens with Timmy confessing his sins to a priest, revealing a past filled with evil and suffering. Timmy's time at the seminary is disrupted by the resurfacing of his secret, exposing a sinister plot at the heart of the religious institution. The story explores the themes of good versus evil, faith versus corruption, and the struggle to maintain innocence in the face of darkness.