Evil Ordained


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Enter the fantastical world of the Author in Evil Ordained, where simple truths collide with complex situations.

Timmy’s innocence is tested in a personal struggle against an unexpected intervention of evil. Witness a tale of youthful uncertainty exploited by a sinister force.

A secret from Timmy’s past resurfaces at the seminary, a place where personal secrets should  never surface. This revelation exposes a chilling truth: secrets are never truly hidden, only waiting to be weaponized for malicious ends.

Do dark occult practices exist beyond the realm of paranoia? Or is true evil far more devious than we can imagine, lurking in the shadows wielded by those in power?

Can Timmy expose this evil? Even if revealed, is there a path to redemption, or does the truth lead only to damnation?

Witness the corrupting influence of power as ambition clashes with faith within a rigid hierarchy. The line blurs between strength and weakness as honesty and faith crumble. Where does youthful innocence end, and pure evil begin?

Is power sought for personal gratification or a more sinister purpose?

The portal of insight creaks open, offering answers to the lingering questions that plague the reader’s mind.

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Soft Cover, Hard Cover


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